Poor indoor air quality can adversely affect the occupants of your facilities. These issues can result in loss of morale and productivity. Dr. Perez has extensive experience in indoor air quality assessment and will work to identify problem sources so that they can be properly re-mediated.
Areas of Expertise
Indoor Air Quality
Mold Assessment
Dr. Perez provides thorough assessment for the presence of mold in indoor environments in response to specific water intrusion events or occupant concerns. These investigations can be complex and require a significant level of expertise to successfully complete. Dr. Perez has the experience and expertise to ensure proper assessment.
Occupational Exposure Assessment
Dr. Perez provides exposure assessment services in all occupational environments for a wide range of hazards including chemical, physical, and biological.
Expert Witness Services
Dr. Perez has served as an industrial hygiene expert witness in several cases. His experience, education, credentials and expertise have resulted in him continuing to be sought after by attorneys to prepare reports and provide testimony in cases involving worker exposures.